Wednesday 19 January 2011

Question 4

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Primary Audience Profile:
 Our film is rated 15 and therefore people aged over 15 are the only people that are able to watch our film. However, our film is targeted at the age range 15 – 24 years as this age range seems to be the range that would be most interested in an urban drama
 Youths living in London who have an interest in watching real life issues
 They will have to be able to speak the English language and understand it as our film is in English
 Both genders, as our film has a unique selling point, which was that our main character who was under the influence of drugs is female, which challenged the conventions slightly and attracts a wider audience because of this. Danny Boyles ‘Trainspotting’ is very different to this as they use males and relate drugs to males whilst our film uses a female.

We chose this target group as we know that youths in east London can familiarise themselves with the surroundings that will be showing in our film. Also, the age of our main character is very similar to the age range of our target audience. This allows the target audience to relate to the characters feelings and emotions as they may be able to relate to what the character is thinking and feeling, especially due to drug use being a big problem in the younger generation in today’s society.

Secondary Audience Profile
 People who enjoy watching urban dramas and enjoy thinking ahead pf situations
 People who have an interest in the city of London
 Aged above the audiences age range (25 and over)

Films and TV shows that both audiences may have seen recently are:
 Kidulthood
 Adulthood
 Misfits
 Skins
 Hollyoaks
 Notorious
 Shank
 8 mile
 4 3 2 1
 1 day

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