Wednesday 20 October 2010

Story Ideas Research 1

rehydration and glucose tablets.
 Chile's trapped miners are told rescue could take months

The countries health ministers have announced that the 33 minors trapped underground may not be rescues for several months. Therefore, a special programme has been set up to keep the men fit and healthy and the workers are being supplied with glucouse and rehydration tablets.
Euromillions £113m ticket claimed

The winner has beat odds of more than 76 million to one
The winning numbers were 9, 30, 35, 39, 46, with lucky stars 6 and 8.

Wayne Rooney to leave Manchester United FC?

A few years ago, Tony Blaire gave a few tips to Sir Alex Ferguson on what to do if a fellow player steps out of line. Tony Blaire had said, if a good player starts 'causing problems' you should 'get rid of him'. Wayne Rooney will problem go to Manchester City or the manager can persuade him to stay.

Miners Story:

the point of view as minister who has advised everyone of the fact that the rescue will take several months and off all the stress and hassle he will have to deal with due to everyones complaints and issues.

Euromillions Story:

starting with a shot of the couple going to exchange their ticket to the head office of the lottery company. no dialogue, just the anxious music and sound playiny.

Wayne Rooney:

Sir Alex Fergusons point of view, suffering from the stress of maybe losing one of his best players. Thinking of new ways to persuade Rooney to stay at Manchester United FC without having to sacrifice to much.

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