Thursday 28 October 2010

Story Ideas


The opening sequence can be an opening of a film that focuses on the stress of students doing alevel examinations.

Characters:- one character would have to be used to show the stress thats caused by exams. the characters will have no dialogue, the judgement of stress will be purely judged by the body language of the character.

Props:- props that will need to be used in this opening sequence will be a pen, a made up examination paper so that we can have close up shots of the date of the exam etc. an examination table

Setting:- can be filmed in the main hall when there are no assemblies being held or no plans of any events being held in the main hall when we are due to film.

story:- a student who is sitting her alevel exams is stressed because she needs to get an overall AAA to get into university to do a degree in medicene. The university she wishes to go to does not accept students who retake exams and therefore she needs to get the grades first time round. The stress of her exams lead her to do things that are abnormal to her usual behaviour and get her into a bit of trouble in her education and at home with her family.


The opening sequence can be of a character running out of the hall and into the bathroom.

Music: sad, slow music that can symbolise the characters emotions without any dialogue being said by the character.

Story:- a student in school has come from a different country and speaks very little english. She has started this school and has suffered some verbal abuse and people making fun of her accent and how she dresses. This causes a lot of emotional stress which effects her lifestyle and the way she is at home as well as at school. She then starts to cut class and school and doesn't attend any lessons, and makes a friend over the internet and decides to meet up with them, which wasn't a sesnible decision.


The opening sequence can start of with a close up shot of a cigarette or a alcohol bottle of some sort.

Props:- a cigarette or a alcohol bottle

Character:- one character will be used but will not be shown properly in the opening sequence.

Setting:- in school, the opening sequence can be shot at the back of the field.

Story:- a student who has never had many 'cool' friends starts talking to the in crowd in school who think its a good look to smoke, drink and do drugs together. The student starts trying to impress the others by smoking and drinking which does seem to impress them. However it has a bad effect on  that student as they start to suffer the horrid consequences.

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