Thursday 4 November 2010

Learning from Other Films

The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air - Carlton Takes Speed
In this scene, Carlton has mistakingly taken speed whilst thinking that what he has taking was paracetamol.

The camera was used very cleverly in this scene. Whilst Carlton was taking the drugs without knowing, the camera shot was a midshot showing some of his body language, as well as his facial expressions and for the audience to see what he was doing with the drugs. This meant that audience could create their own meaning by what they have seen. When Will goes to see why Carltons name is being chanted, the camera follows him as if its another person at the event. This is a successful technique as the audience are able to see everything in this situation as if in a point of view from someone else at the event.

When Carlton was taking the drugs, he was in the hallway near the lockers. This shows the audience how the drugs being taken could be due to an influence of being young and stressed, although the character didn't know he was taking drugs, Will had them in his locker and there must be an influence upon him.

As soon as Carlton takes the drugs, the sound of the music becomes louder, perhaps being an effect upon the audience that the drugs make you more aware of things and more awake/alert. This is an effect that can make the audience feel as though they are in Carltons position or are experiencing drugs alongside Carlton. Carltons name was also being chanted by all his peers, which could be emphasising the fact that when you are taking drugs, your confidence increases, just like Carltons whilst he was dancing, and everyone praising him on this.

From this scene, the music is fast to emphasise Carltons behaviour after taking the drugs. This is a good technique as the audience are able to feel Carltons hyperactivity and mood and I think this is a good technique to use in my own opening sequence.


In this scene, Tony Montana is inhaling cocaine.

The camera pans and while its panning we see the cocaine and alcohol in view before we see the characters face. This allows the audience to be able to see whats in view which means that the audience are able to work out what will be happening in the scene and that the character and the drugs and alcohol have a connection.

Everything in the frame is dull coloured, the chairs are black and brown, the walls are dark and the characters clothing is dark. However, the cocaine bags are white which makes it stand out more and the audiences attention is diverted straight to the drugs. This enables the audience to see and understand what the main issue of the scene is.

When the character is inhaling the cocaine, we hear the sound of him sniffing the cocaine which is very effective as we are able to hear it loudly and clearly and are able to feel how it has effected him as the sound distorts from when he pulls away from the drugs. This enables the audience to realise and understand the characters feelings towards the drugs. Throughout the sequence there is music played in the background and after the character has taken the drugs, the music speeds up and becomes louder to create tension and suspense.

Eastenders - Phil on Drugs

In this scene, Phil is high on drugs and is surrounded by drugs and Alcohol.

The camera shots used are most of the time panned to show the surrounding drugs and alcohol and to show the link between Phil and these drugs. Also, high angle shots are used on Phil so that he looks weak and vulnerable and the audience feel more dominant and powerful. However, when the camera is on Peggy, low angle shots are used, so that Peggy seems like the more dominant and powerful character compared to Phil. Many mid shots are used so that the audience are able to see the surroundings and atmosphere of the flat Phil is staying in.

This sequence is set down in a very dirty, run down flat that looks like it has been abandoned and Phil had found it to stay in desperately trying to find shelter while he was on drugs. This dirty, run down flat symbolises a person who takes drugs and shows how the person is feeling. This is an effective technique as the audience wont have to hear any dialogue in order to see and feel how drugs are effecting the character.

The colours and lighting are very dull which represent the way the drugs make the person feel. This is a good technique to use for drugs as it can show emotion and feeling caused by drugs without any dialogue needed.

When Peggy opens the door, there is a creaking sound, this shows the awkwardness between the two characters due to the drugs.

In this scene, the alcohol bottles are covered in foil and have some sort of paper coming out of it, perhaps to reserve the alcohol etc. Therefore I will take this into consideration when making my opening sequence.

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