Monday 13 December 2010

Textual Analysis


In the main shots of this sequence, we establish that there is only one character that is of importance in this scene. This scene focuses mainly and purely on the effects of drugs that the character suffers and that he cannot overcome this temptation the drugs cause him. We also establish that the character is part of a basketball team, as other shots refer to the past of the character and his team mates. We see that although he is addicted to drugs, he has other commitments such as basketball, and studying as he is in his bedroom studying.

The character is dressed in an average t-shirt and jeans which shows that he is very casual and he doesn't stand out or become highlighted. However, he is the centre of attention as he is the only character in the scene and he is the only movement the audience is able to see. In the opening sequence I will be creating with my group, we will be able to use this idea of a casual, original look for a person.In the flashbacks, which are in Black and White, he is in his basketball uniform, which allows the audience to gain an understanding that he is in a basketball team and he has commitments, that the use of drugs can interfere with.

The scene is set in the characters bedroom. This allows the audience to see the character in the place where they are most comfortable and being themself, and also allows the audience to see the character at their most comfortable setting and place. When making my opening sequence, a good idea would be to set the opening sequence in a location that can be made rto look like somewhere where the character can simply be themself and their behaviour will be appropriate to that location, without hiding any particular emotion as the character will feel comfortable.

We have learnt that the character is a student. Therefore, we see the character studying. We can gather this as we can see books, paper and study resources. We can also gather that this is his bedroom, as when he opens his cupboards, he throws out his clothes.

This scene sends out a message to young people showing them the effects that drugs have on people, and the craving, temptation and frustration the drugs cause. I aim to try to put across this message in my opening sequence, but hopefully in a stronger way, where the audience will be left feeling very effected.

From this scene, we learn easily without any difficulty, that the narrative of this film is that the young boy is deeply affected by drugs and is very addicted to drugs, but he has other commitments such as fitness and basketball that he has to focus on. However, drugs will come inbetween this.


In this scene, there are two characters, from what I can see, they are friends. They both have an interest in drugs and they are smoking weed. They are both effected by drugs negatively after smoking it, as they become very hyperactive and aggresive. This reaction of using drugs could be a good technique I can use in my opening sequence.

Similarly to 'Basketball Diaries', both characters are dressed casual, so the drug use seems very casual as well. This casual clothing will be used in my opening sequence as it will show that the character does not feel like taking drugs is a big thing, so that taking drugs will look very casual and part of the characters personality.

The scene is set in a building in America, but the room seems to be very domestic as there are no furniture appliances, only packaging etc. This is a good idea to use in my opening sequence as it seems that the characters have no other place to do drugs without others interfering. Also, at the end of the scene, the camera moves away from the building, making the characters look inferior, which could symbolise what drugs do to people as an effect.

There are not many props used in this scene, there is a lighter used to light up the drugs, and the drug itself. This however highlights the significance of the drugs in the scene, showing the audience that the drugs is the only thing of importance in the scene. This shows the props in my opening sequence can send out a very important message, and so I will have to use extremely relevent props.

This scene shows the serious effects of drugs, the aggresiveness and how drugs are capable of making the characters feel superior and more powerful than anything else.

The narrative of this scene is easily established as we learn that this film will be strictly about the way drugs are handled by others in the film.


There is only one character in this scene and this is the old lady who doesn't realise that she is abusing her prescription. This character is constantly retaking her medication one after one, thinking that it isnt effected her, when really, its making her much more ill. The character portrays this by acting anxious, and her facial expressions constantly change, from happy/excited to anxious and confused. When making my opening sequence, character expressions and body language will be very important to be able to portray the effect of drugs effectively.

Once again, like the rest of the scenes I have analysed, the costume is very casual relating to the way the drugs are taken very casually.

The setting in this scene is in the old ladies living room, showing and emphasising the fact that she hasnt realised that she is overdosing on her presciption. The room is very dark and the only light that is seen is the light from her TV emphasising that she is alone. This dark setting will be used for my opening sequence as it highlights the loneliness of the character taking drugs.

There is general household furniture in the living room, but the sofa chair that the old lady is sitting on is based right in the centre of the living room emphasising her loneliness. Also the telephone is highlighted as it is a main prop. The drug is a very important prop in this scene as it is made to be very important by the different camera shots used to highlight its important (the close up shot of the pill in the old ladies hand). The quick camera shots emphasis the tension and importance of the drug.

The message being put across is that drugs can be very dangerous and their effects can be hazardous. This message will definitely have to be one of the main messages in my opening sequence as it is an important message that needs to be sent to young people of todays society.

This scene shows that the rest of the film will be relating to drug use and the effects and consequences of using drugs. The narrative will also be the same for my opening sequence.

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