Tuesday 14 December 2010

Location Recce

Location Details
Possible Problems
Risk Assessments

Our second location is also in a underground basement the place is slightly bigger than the first, and the good thing is that there are no chemicals within the premises. The place is very dirty. There is still no banister on the stair case. In the room there are lot of pipes on the ceiling and walls. The downfalls are that there are a lot of things on the tables on the floor and cabinets things such as chairs, monitors, and poles.

The possible problems were that there were a lot of chemicals which were open and not in practical areas such as the floor. Also in our film we need to light up a match and most of the chemicals were flammable which means there could be an explosion if we use the place. The stairs was red taped which means there is no banister to walk down to offer support. Also the room has to be accessible to members of the caretaker team.

Since there is no banister we will just have to be more careful when going down the stairs. As for the chemicals we will have to ask some of them to move the chemicals out the way for the day. Also we will have to ask the caretakers if they can pardon us for the day.
This afternoon we were told we can not film in there due to health and safety.

Our second location is also in a underground basement the place is slightly bigger than the first, and the good thing is that there are no chemicals within the premises. The place is very dirty. There is still no banister on the stair case. In the room there are lot of pipes on the ceiling and walls. The downfalls are that there are a lot of things on the tables on the floor and cabinets things such as chairs, monitors, and poles.

The possible problems are that there is not going to be enough space to film our film, also there is no banister on the satires which is health and safety, also there is a dance studio above the room so we could get distracted with music and the movement of the dancers.

To combat the sound of the dancers we are not going to use barely in sound only a few sound effects. We will just have to be careful going down the stairs and hope knows one has an accident. For space we will move things out the way and stack them properly to create valuable space. This afternoon we gathered news that we will be able to use the basement but we have to keep it quiet.

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