Monday 13 December 2010


This soundtrack for the drug related film 'Requiem For A Dream' has a very slow tempo, however it gradually builds up with the use of strings. This build up is successful in portraying the drug use in the film, as the build up can symbolise the effect of drugs slowly effecting the characters. When choosing music for my opening sequence, this I think strings can give the opening sequence a good touch, as it is strong. Also, I think this slow tempo makes the suspense last longer.

The Basketball Diaries - SOUNDTRACK
The Rock genre of music has always stereotypically been associated with drugs, sex and alcohol. This music doesn't fail in showing this, which is why it is such a perfect soundtrack to use for a drug related film. When making my opening sequence, I will take into consideration of maybe using some rock related sounds as it links with the depression that drugs bring.

The soundtrack used in 'Pulp Fiction' is a very jazzy tune. This music symbolises the effect of the drug when it makes the receiving person feel powerful and on top of the world. When making my opening sequence, I will take this into account as it could work well. However, for a depressing drug scene, this music will not be successful.

The 'Scarface' soundtrack is very famous and it easily noticed anywhere and everywhere. Partially due to the very unique slow beat that it has, which can resemble the slow graduated feeling that the drugs bring. When using music in my opening sequence, slow music seems to be the better option, with the use of strings, like this soundtrack shows.

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